May 19, 2013

2013 Raito is Still Alive and Kicking

Hi All,

Just wanted to first apologize for dropping off the face of the earth for 6 months… life happens I guess!

The year after debuting an album like ‘Rock The Water’,  probably should have been followed up with more radio interviews, begging to play any gig I could, trying to convince Manitoba Music I’m serious about International Exposure, coercing friends and family to buy t-shirts, CD’s and ‘Raito’ little key chains, etc. Not my style, I guess,  and in the mean time I certainly let life get in the way of promotion and honestly stopped music all together.

FACT … the album is still here :)! Alexander Keith could still license my single (long shot I know)! I’m still here with 8 fingers, two thumbs, and capable vocal chords. I am slowly getting back my MOJO and starting to write again. I do still believe you and I can achieve anything we set are minds too.

Stay tuned!!!

In the mean time, hope you are enjoying May Long Weekend!



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