September 22, 2024

Not the Only One: A Tribute to a Lyrical Ninja Taken From Us Far Too Soon-RIP Ed Legal

In memory of my best friend and incredible lyricist Ed Legal who passed away August 23, 2024, I’m honored to share “Not the Only One,” a song we wrote together back in 2017. In many ways, this song encapsulates the struggles we all face, reminding us that we’re never alone in our battles.

I’ll try and share more as I dig through the 20+ songs we wrote & 100’s of hours of videos we recorded. I miss him, his witt & amazing ability to string together words; lyrical ninja, dark poet & and veracious factotum (doer of all things)… RIP in my brother!

December 15, 2021

Alexander Keith Beer Song

Although it’s been almost 10 years since I released Alexander Keith, I was able to share it with new ears at a songwriting event this week. Receiving positive feedback from fellow musicians that this still stands as a catchy rock beer song a decade later was music to my ears.

Here is where you can give it a listen:

iTunes: Alexander Keith

Alexander Keith on Spotify

YouTube Music

Fun fact: Alexander Keith beer company actually posted on their Facebook Page

Alexander Keith’s Facebook Page

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January 28, 2021

Got the blues?

Hey you. Got the blues? Let’s talk. Seriously, anytime.

Then we’ll jam ?


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October 16, 2019

Going North

Here is a new #raito creation, an orchestral composition & video I created called ‘Going North’!!!

Have been hard @ work. Music for full documentary is a wrap for the Jezzepee Jones #meth documentary “Methamphetamine- Community Under Seige’ being launched on #amazonprime January 2020 & a ton of screenings and festivals the next few months . I’ll be posting A LOT more on that soon… so please #staytuned

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February 24, 2019

Score for Meth-Community Under Siege 5min Promo Complete

You know that good fuzzy feeling you get when you finish something worthwhile. Ya, I’m basking in that warm glow, all the while feeling the heaviness of the  meth crisis & pain it is causing for so many.

Will share the final promo vid as soon as I can, hoping next week, but seriously can’t wait for you to see & hear the initial story featuring the “Bear Clan Patrol‘ for the ground breaking documentary Meth- Community Under Siege.

It’s a story that needs to be told!!!

January 10, 2019

Writing Music for Winnipeg Meth Documentary

I am honored that my music will be a part of shedding light on this horrific crisis. Although based in Winnipeg, the universal crisis of addiction is felt from East Van to Halifax, and everywhere in between. There isn’t a person I know that ‘addiction’ has not impacted their lives personally or affected someone they know or love. I’m all in and will invest 100’s of hours to ensure this documentaries music matches the emotion and heaviness that addictions inflict…period!!!

Please help make this documentary a reality!!!  Yes YOU

  • If you can’t spare the cash totally understand, but you can step up and show your love and support by sharing this campaign on your FaceBook, Twitter, email or by word of mouth. Just click over to IndieGoGo and use the easy share buttons 🙂

Stay tuned for updates… and hugs for sharing & caring!

February 6, 2017

Hallelujah Cover Practise Session

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December 29, 2016

Back Up Singers & Goodbye to 2016

Over the holidays I watched a documentary that fundamentally has impacted how I feel about music, and even more so about some of the famous songs of the 60’s, 70’s & beyond. In a good way!!!

If you love music, I highly recommend you watch ‘20 Feet from Stardom‘. I never knew the name Merry Clayton (Stones-Gimme Shelter) or Lisa Fischer (Sting-Hounds of Winter) until I watched this doc. I know them now, forever burnt into my musical psyche, and will be listening too and writing music differently from this day forward.


That’s all I have to say about that…

Oh and goodbye 2016 🙂

PS. Few new Raito & The Leed tunes coming your way early 2017.


October 10, 2016

Busking Success for Winnipeg 2016

I will update this soon, but wanted to quickly say to everyone that the City of Winnipeg has indicated they will produce a communication plan by the end of 2016 on Busking in Winnipeg. This is, to my best understanding, following the Edmonton model of clearly communicating existing by-laws, via our city website, and promoting the diversity of the arts in the Peg.

Select qoutes from City Council Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services & Parks- October 14th/2016:

Direction 1: Continue to develop Winnipeg’s unique artistic identity and diversity of expression.
Direction 6: Promote awareness of the richness of Winnipeg’s arts & culture within and outside Winnipeg.
Direction 8: Establish Winnipeg as a city of choice and desired destination for artists and creative professionals.

In short, I do believe this is an excellent outcome and win for buskers IN and travelling through Winnipeg. Happy Thanksgiving! #winnipegrocks

May 11, 2016

Busking Radio Silence Update, NO Busking Bylaw & Next Steps

My apologies for the radio silence the last two days. If you have been following my busker proposal this past week then here is the update. If not, in one sentence or less, I have had a fair amount of local media reaction to my proposal to Winnipeg City Council to implement guidelines for busking in Winnipeg; with the intent to have more freedom and more buskers performing in Winnipeg public spaces! #moreofagoodthing (Skip to the end of you just want the Winnipeg City Council Update)


So, after writing an open letter to the mayor/city councillors, I spent time explaining my proposal to multiple media outlets (CBC, CTV, Metro, Bell Media, etc.). Here is a short interview with Richard Cloutier (CJOB Radio Winnipeg) so you get the gist.

Youtube Link:

CITY COUNCIL UPDATE: On May 9th, a few hours after the CJOB interview, I found myself patiently waiting at City Hall (Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks) to state my case. Unfortunately, I didn’t book the entire morning off and ran out of time, due to another local issue running WAY longer than expected.  After excusing myself, I did leave behind the Edmonton Busking Guidelines and learnt later that City Council committee unanimously agreed to  review busking guidelines in Winnipeg. I did request to speak at a future meeting, and kinda promised I would bring my guitar next time! 🙂

My intent is to follow up with the committee in the next couple of weeks and ensure that they are considering all the angles/facts when it comes busking in Winnipeg. The ultimate desire is to make busking easier, more transparent, and the most street performing friendly city in Canada.