April 11, 2015

Aliens Are Listening To My Music Right Now

Dear Everyone,

I entitled this post Aliens Are Listening To My Music Right Now, because I’m a sucker for believing shit we see in the movies. I always thought that when I sang live on radio, or had my songs broadcast on the radio, that the signal traveled deep into space. So I Google’d it! Now I am super bummed, as apparently the signal degrades with in a few light years, and the nearest sun is 100% too far away to be HEARD! Oh well, it led to my epiphany for the day… so I’ll forgive Hollywood this time.

So for my epiphany, It seems like forever since I released Rock The Water. Sitting back relaxing today, thinking of aliens listening when I got to perform live on radio, I had an epiphany. I have allowed LIFE to take over, and have rarely been picking up my guitar, let alone writing songs. Sounds like a negative epiphany BUT its NOT! My epiphany, that smacked me across the face today, is that I will “Never Stop Dreaming”! Music never dies. I have created something that will live on FOREVER, even if aliens can’t hear me. #neverstopdreaming

Maybe you have something you loved doing so much… that you have stopped doing it?

Here is that radio appearance that aliens will never hear. While you watch this… I’m going to go write a few songs 🙂


PS. Yes I believe in aliens.


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