April 17, 2010

Super Woman Lyrics

I wrote this song in March 2010. To give you some minor background as to the emotion behind the song, I wrote if for my daughters later in life. They will love someone and have their hearts broken when they lose them (break-up, death, etc). They will be strong beautfiful woman who just need to be put in front of a mirror and reminded that loving someone sets you free & because of who they are… they will love again.

I plan to record this song in studio later this year.  Here are the lyrics:

Super Woman,  by Lee Raito

Daddy I loved him.

Daughter I know.

Daddy what do I do now?

Daughter here is what you do, come & see.

Look in the mirror & what do I see?

Super Woman staring back at me.

Because you loved it sets you free.

Daddy I’m broken.

Daughter not even if you tried.

Daddy what do I do now?

Daughter here is what you do, come & see.

Look in the mirror & what do I see?

Super Woman staring back at me.

Because you loved it sets you free.

Daddy will I love again?

Daughter yes you will.

Daddy how do you know?

Daughter I’ll prove it to you, come & see.

Look in the mirror & what do I see?

Super Woman staring back at me.

Because you loved it sets you free.

Super Woman Lyrics

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